Yes-No Oracle Magic 8 Ball Horoscopes Lucky Numbers Generator

Is Europe a country?

Paul the psychic octopus Crystal ball No yes
Yes or no answer!

Paul is perfectly placed to answer this question, since he worked as a sports oracle in the heart of Europe during his short but spectacular life. Paul was hatched in England in 2008 and shortly after moved to Germany to embark on his wildly successful football divination career. Germany is a country within Europe, meaning that Europe is not a country, but rather it is a collection of countries including members such as Germany, France, Spain, etc. If you’re asking this question it’s fairly likely you live in a country a long way away from Europe, like the USA. Did you know that if you add up the populations from all the countries of Europe, you get more than twice as many people that live in America (while the land area of the entire country of the USA compared with the whole continent of Europe, is about the same).

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