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Is the sky blue?

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Yes or no answer!

Yowsers, the age-old query that has kept philosophers up at night, staring at the heavens in contemplation. Is the sky blue? Well, my friend, the answer is as clear as the, well, blue sky itself. Yes, indeed, the sky is blue, or at least, it likes to think it is. You see, the sky has a bit of an identity crisis. It’s not just blue; it’s a whole spectrum of colors, but it has a favorite – a deep, soul-soothing blue. Picture this: the sky wakes up in the morning, looks in the mirror, and says, “Today, I’m feeling blue.” And voila, there it is, spreading its azure beauty across the canvas of the world. It’s like the sky’s daily fashion statement, accessorizing the Earth with its favorite hue. So, to answer your question, yes, the sky is blue, but it’s also pink, orange, and sometimes even purple. It’s a celestial fashionista.

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