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Is it okay to get back with your ex?

Paul the psychic octopus Crystal ball No yes
Yes or no answer!

It definitely is more than okay to get back with your ex, provided the following conditions are met:

  • You aren’t just getting back together to have ‘a bit of fun’. This is just lazy, and a waste of time. Instead, why not spend your time looking for someone you want to spend the rest of your life with? After all, your greatest need from another person is to be truly loved and accepted.
  • That you examine the reason you originally separated. It is pointless to get back together without establishing that it will be different this time, or history will inevitably repeat itself again.
  • That both of you have matured enough in your understanding of love to appreciate that it is about more than just sexual attraction, but also loyalty, and deciding to stick in there through the difficult times as well as the good. We’ll all be old and wrinkly one day, and real, enduring love accepts that reality.
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